Sep 8, 2013

So, I suck at blogging

So, I have never been the greatest at journalism- ever. And since blogging is an online journal, it shouldn't really be a surprise that I am also no good at maintaining a blog either.

Let's see. Since April.... 
I left the country, and came back
I have gotten engaged- 4/26/14 Mark your calendars
Started wedding planning
Trent started school
And Soccer
Aubrey Has 4 teeth and crawls everywhere
She turns one NEXT MONTH! (OH MY LORD!)

Well, that pretty much summarizes the highlights.. Business has been good (SHOP HERE)
Except for the lack of common sense
Hey all you genius people- if you buy something a size too small- it won't fit right. 

Sooooo.... I guess I will share a recipe or something with my next update.

Apr 27, 2013

Aint Nobody Got Time For Dat

I never have time to blog anymore!!

Moving sucks.
Teething babies suck.
Never ending terrible twos, or should I say threes, suck.
Being buried in homework sucks.


That pretty much updated you as to why I have not updated in like a month. Been WAY busy!

Mar 10, 2013

Ths is crap

Why can you FEEL yourself get sick, but can't stop it? It's like... you KNOW you are going to feel like crap in a matter of hours and yet you know there isn't a thing you can do.
Your head starts hurting.
You get groggy.
You get to coughing/sneezing/ sniffles
And it doesn't stop.
And what is the worse part? You KNOW the next day you are going to feel even worse? I for one, want to have a personal conversation with my immune system.
"hey ol buddy ol pal. You just let me get sick. It isn't working out between us, time for a newer model"
But, no. It doesn't work like this So now I get to be sick and carry on like I am healthy.
Why is it when men are sick, it is the end of the world? And when women get sick, nothing spectacular happens? I want to call in sick. Is that too much to ask?
Ok, I am done ranting

Mar 2, 2013


So, I disappeared for a little bit.
HEY! Here I am!

New Recipe for you to try, to make meatballs in a crock pot

STEP ONE: Buy or make your own meatballs (over achiever) Italian style works great.
STEP TWO: Coat the entire bottom of your crock pot with ketchup. Seriously.
STEP THREE: Add half a jar of grape jelly. Yes I am sure this is a real recipe.
STEP FOUR: Add in desired amount of meatballs. For my family, we add the entire bag  
STEP FIVE: Add the rest of the grape jelly, add another layer of ketchup. Add a dash of garlic, a teaspoon of vanilla, and some chilli seasoning. Cook on low until balls are soft. Then eat it :)

It is beyond scrumptious.
Trust me.

That is all from me. I have been busy making tutus and headbands. Here, check it out.
Like the page and see why I have been busy lately.
Happy March! 

Feb 19, 2013

Self promoting I guess, but not trying to.

Tutus. It is slowly becoming an obsession. Miss Princess is almost 5 months old, and has 6 tutus. And counting. They just look so dang good on her, I can't help it. If you want a tutu for your little princess, or for yourself I guess, click right here, right now. If not, carry on.

Also, this weather is stupid dumb. Sunday was a blizzard, Monday was sunny and 52. And today? Oh today was a blizzard. I am going to get sick and be all kinds of unhappy. Just wait for that post.

I really haven't had anything too exciting happen lately. Been busy making tutus and these little pieces of heaven. Seriously, get some. And watching a lot of disney movies. Our preschool learning activities... yeahhhhh it is going..slow. Patience should be sold on every corner like drugs. I desperately need some, and so does my little prince. 

Yeah, short and sweet for now. I got work to do. Just because I am a SAHM doesn't mean I sit and watch movies everyday.

Feb 17, 2013

We Lost Alpha. Use Star Power

((Migrating Hosts))... 
So. I love Call of Duty. A lot. And, it has me thinking.. Have I ever played a celebrity and not known it? I mean, I am sure they like to kick back and play from time to time too. How cool would that be? Playing domination.."Oh Hey Emma Stone, go ahead and capture A, James Franco and I got B on lock down." Like tell me video games wouldn't be that much more awesome if that happened!

Speaking of video games...Rockband makes an excellent drinking game, if you aren't already an expert. Here is why. Take a couple shots pre- song and rock out. However, at the end of the song, if you get less than 95% your ass takes another shot. After a few songs you're just gone and so are a lot of your shots. Jello shots work best, if you know how to make them really good. This is a game tho that you you play with your buddies and just rock out. At one point or another we have all wanted to be rock stars, and this way you can. You're welcome.

And no, I do not sit at home and play video games all day. Nor do I get drunk that often. I am just saying, these two experiences have occurred in the semi recent past and you should try it out. I play on Xbox for COD and PS3 for Rockband, so if you have either of those systems you should probably add me to your friend's list or whatever so we can play together. Not putting my gamer names here tho, I don't want an explosion of requests. You can message me and I will give them to you.

Weekend is basically over. Hope everyone had a great time. 
Ok bye.

Feb 16, 2013

Rulers, Guns... and Jersey Shore.

What is the purpose of a ruler if you still can't draw a straight freaking line with it?! I mean seriously I wind up making a slanted, uneven, kinda shakey line. And, since the end of the ruler is curved, the end of my line is too. Heaven forbid I need a line longer than 12 inches. Not amusing at all. Here is something for those of you with kids to do: take poster paper, a ruler, some markers, and some patience and make giant calendars. Teach your kids days, months, the year, holidays, birthdays, etc.. YOU make it, but they can learn from it. For those of you without kids, do something fun with a ruler like drink vodka and measure things. Did I just create a drinking game? For things that are exactly 4 inches take a shot. Things exactly 9 inches take another shot. Have random measurements in your brain in case you ever need them. Hell, do that even if you have kids. Just not with your kids.

 While I was buying my supplies to make said calendars, the check out lady was like "oh are you a teacher?" and me.."not at all why" and this bitch.."because usually only teachers buy supplies like this to teach their kids." So what since I am not a teacher I can't teach my kids? Or are you insinuating that my kids can only learn in school? Both of which are ridiculous to me. I think education starts, and is continuous at home. Not just school. Thats basically all I have to say about that.

I guess just have a lot of things that I find ridiculous today. Like what gets reported on the news. Seems like the same shit everyday. Shooting of some sort so we need gun control. What about the millions of people who are alive because they didn't get shot? Or are alive because they owned a gun and shot someone who was trying to kill them? How come we never hear those stories? Or right... we only hear what mainstream media wants us to. Tell me again how we are a free nation.

On a funnier note. Back in the day, we would visit with neighbors and learn what was going on with people on the other side of the country via newspapers or whatever. Now days, we have tv shows like "Jersey Shore", "Washington Heights", "Real World"...etc And I bet, 50% if not more of you have never met more than one of your neighbors. Am I right?! In 40 years how will we learn about the diversity of this country?

Tomorrow, I will have a much lighter topic. Today is just... ridiculous.

Feb 15, 2013

Santa, Jenna, and Oranges

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am really good at making my house smell good. For no other reason other than I like my house smelling divine. I have been to some houses that smell like pets, cigarettes (we do not smoke), or just like dust. Or, if it doesn't smell like those things it smells like they tried way too hard to get the house to smell good and then it winds up smelling like a brothel. I have some how managed to find a happy medium. How? By using actual, edible, natural things instead of the crap in the store. For example, take an orange peel, some vanilla, some water, and a cinnamon stick and throw it in a sauce pan on the stove and turn it on whatever temp you want depending on how strong (and how long you want it to smell good) and ta-da! It does. Another alternative is cinnamon stick, peppermint extract, and vanilla. My personal fav tho involves the orange.

Another topic, my son is OBSESSED with Santa Claus. Will not, for anything, accept that Santa only exists in December. SO I think next week we are going to make jumbo sized calendars so that he can visually see how many days until Christmas. Maybe if he sees that its eons away he will forfeit the obsession? We will see. I have also decided that I am going to tune you fine people in to what crafts and preschool activities we are doing so you can try them out as well. Living in colder climates means we have to be inside a lot. Have you been inside for extended amount of time with a toddler who is bored? I recommend never trying it. I have come up with a lot of things to do. Pinterest helps, but I usually forget my pins by the time we start a craft so my pins never get completed. Go figure.

I also kinda feel like I am talking to myself. But oddly, I am okay with that. Because even if no one ever reads this, next year I will be able to reflect on this year because everything will be written here. I will be able to see what I did and when. So, I think that is pretty neat. And hey, if you made it this far I haven't completely bored you yet, right?!

How are you suppose to end these things? I guess I will pull a Jenna Marbles and say "ok bye"

Ps. If you do not know who Jenna Marbles is, serious click that link and check her out. 


Feb 14, 2013

I usually have no idea what I am doing, can you tell?

So, before I even write this  thing, I would just like to say that writing a blog reminds me A LOT of Anyone remember xanga? I do. I bet I can find the google cache of my old 16 year old self. Not sure if I want to do that tho.

Ok, so here goes nothing. First off; Google "recommends" that I be consistent with my thoughts. But I can't be consistent about anything. Except for breathing I suppose. I'm pretty consistent with that. So if you are looking for consistency... yeah don't look here. Also, I am going to write my blog exactly like I would speak it. So I am pretty sure I will probably get censored. Does google censor things? We will find out! 

Secondly, since it is Valentine's Day and all, I suppose I should write something kinda lovey dovey... but I am not mushy at all so, no. Valentine's Day has become really about guys buying flowers and chocolate in hopes to get laid. Well, might I just say, guys should bring flowers home more than one day a year. And I don't care about your personal sex lives, but I assume sex happens more than once a year...Valentine's Day just kinda publically announces that to the world. So, there's that I suppose. Also, if you have children... Valentine's Day kinda starts them early to chase their crushes. Yeah, no thanks. I would like to keep my children away from that. Especially my daughter since she won't have her first date for another 30 years.

That reminds me, am I suppose to tell you about myself? I feel like this is an awkward introduction since you can't introduce yourself to me... but here goes.. Hi, I'm Morgan. I am 22, almost 23. I have two children. Trent who is 3 and Aubrey who is 4 months. And, uh...a dog named Roxxy who is almost 5... and that is me in a nutshell. So, I know this is not a typical blog post and I am okay with that considering I am not a typical person...but I hope you enjoyed this, and I know that I will likely be writing frequently since I have a lot of thoughts and plenty of time to express them!