What is the purpose of a ruler if you still can't draw a straight freaking line with it?! I mean seriously I wind up making a slanted, uneven, kinda shakey line. And, since the end of the ruler is curved, the end of my line is too. Heaven forbid I need a line longer than 12 inches. Not amusing at all. Here is something for those of you with kids to do: take poster paper, a ruler, some markers, and some patience and make giant calendars. Teach your kids days, months, the year, holidays, birthdays, etc.. YOU make it, but they can learn from it. For those of you without kids, do something fun with a ruler like drink vodka and measure things. Did I just create a drinking game? For things that are exactly 4 inches take a shot. Things exactly 9 inches take another shot. Have random measurements in your brain in case you ever need them. Hell, do that even if you have kids. Just not with your kids.
While I was buying my supplies to make said calendars, the check out lady was like "oh are you a teacher?" and me.."not at all why" and this bitch.."because usually only teachers buy supplies like this to teach their kids." So what since I am not a teacher I can't teach my kids? Or are you insinuating that my kids can only learn in school? Both of which are ridiculous to me. I think education starts, and is continuous at home. Not just school. Thats basically all I have to say about that.
I guess just have a lot of things that I find ridiculous today. Like what gets reported on the news. Seems like the same shit everyday. Shooting of some sort so we need gun control. What about the millions of people who are alive because they didn't get shot? Or are alive because they owned a gun and shot someone who was trying to kill them? How come we never hear those stories? Or right... we only hear what mainstream media wants us to. Tell me again how we are a free nation.
On a funnier note. Back in the day, we would visit with neighbors and learn what was going on with people on the other side of the country via newspapers or whatever. Now days, we have tv shows like "Jersey Shore", "Washington Heights", "Real World"...etc And I bet, 50% if not more of you have never met more than one of your neighbors. Am I right?! In 40 years how will we learn about the diversity of this country?
Tomorrow, I will have a much lighter topic. Today is just... ridiculous.
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