Feb 15, 2013

Santa, Jenna, and Oranges

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am really good at making my house smell good. For no other reason other than I like my house smelling divine. I have been to some houses that smell like pets, cigarettes (we do not smoke), or just like dust. Or, if it doesn't smell like those things it smells like they tried way too hard to get the house to smell good and then it winds up smelling like a brothel. I have some how managed to find a happy medium. How? By using actual, edible, natural things instead of the crap in the store. For example, take an orange peel, some vanilla, some water, and a cinnamon stick and throw it in a sauce pan on the stove and turn it on whatever temp you want depending on how strong (and how long you want it to smell good) and ta-da! It does. Another alternative is cinnamon stick, peppermint extract, and vanilla. My personal fav tho involves the orange.

Another topic, my son is OBSESSED with Santa Claus. Will not, for anything, accept that Santa only exists in December. SO I think next week we are going to make jumbo sized calendars so that he can visually see how many days until Christmas. Maybe if he sees that its eons away he will forfeit the obsession? We will see. I have also decided that I am going to tune you fine people in to what crafts and preschool activities we are doing so you can try them out as well. Living in colder climates means we have to be inside a lot. Have you been inside for extended amount of time with a toddler who is bored? I recommend never trying it. I have come up with a lot of things to do. Pinterest helps, but I usually forget my pins by the time we start a craft so my pins never get completed. Go figure.

I also kinda feel like I am talking to myself. But oddly, I am okay with that. Because even if no one ever reads this, next year I will be able to reflect on this year because everything will be written here. I will be able to see what I did and when. So, I think that is pretty neat. And hey, if you made it this far I haven't completely bored you yet, right?!

How are you suppose to end these things? I guess I will pull a Jenna Marbles and say "ok bye"

Ps. If you do not know who Jenna Marbles is, serious click that link and check her out. 


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