Feb 19, 2013

Self promoting I guess, but not trying to.

Tutus. It is slowly becoming an obsession. Miss Princess is almost 5 months old, and has 6 tutus. And counting. They just look so dang good on her, I can't help it. If you want a tutu for your little princess, or for yourself I guess, click right here, right now. If not, carry on.

Also, this weather is stupid dumb. Sunday was a blizzard, Monday was sunny and 52. And today? Oh today was a blizzard. I am going to get sick and be all kinds of unhappy. Just wait for that post.

I really haven't had anything too exciting happen lately. Been busy making tutus and these little pieces of heaven. Seriously, get some. And watching a lot of disney movies. Our preschool learning activities... yeahhhhh it is going..slow. Patience should be sold on every corner like drugs. I desperately need some, and so does my little prince. 

Yeah, short and sweet for now. I got work to do. Just because I am a SAHM doesn't mean I sit and watch movies everyday.

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